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Archive for the day “July 2, 2021”

21 for 2021: June review

Photo by David Bartus on

It’s halfway through the year and I’ve made good progress on my intentions. Some areas, however, seems to be stuck and that makes me wonder whether they remain the right choices for me.

Progress in June

Complete the 52 Book Club 2021 challenge: I completed this in June, six months ahead of schedule. I found the categories easier to fulfil this year and will soon write a post detailing the books read.

Blog regularly: This is still happening whereas in previous years it would have tailed off by now.

Practice yoga five times a week: I managed 29 sessions in June.

Complete six pieces of writing: I wrote two poems in June and am currently revising and editing a short story. The London Writers’ Salon Writers’ Hour is keeping me on track with this.

Complete A Year to Clear: I’m still working through this programme by Stephanie Bennett Vogt and am up to day 212.

Implement a cleaning schedule: The schedule is there but the motivation isn’t. This needs to become a habit.

Each week, take a positive step to improve my mood: Some of the things I did in June are: online literary festival and bookclub events, meeting friends, hosting an afternoon for a group of ex-colleagues who have become close friends, dinner in a restaurant with my daughter, afternoon tea with my sister and daughter, a trip to London with my partner, and a return to ballroom and Latin dance lessons.

Intentions already fulfilled

Choose a word for the year: My word is space and is all about creating more physical and mental space in my life.

Take a writing course: I’ve done several this year ranging from poetry to life writing.

Do a meditation: Earlier this year, I was making time for standalone meditation sessions; now I do it as part of yoga.

Visit London: I went in May and again in June.

Try new recipes: I’ve tried numerous new recipes this year and have added to my repertoire of meals. I plan on continuing to do so.

Have a wardrobe cull: I’ve been through every item of clothing and either disposed of it or, in the majority of cases, refolded and grouped similar items together.

Attend a literature course: I have attended several this year from Middle Eastern Literature to Literature of the Absurd to Critical Reading.

Visit the sea: I’ve made one trip to the coast; now it would be nice to go on a warm, sunny day and spend some time on the beach. Hopefully, when I’m away later this month, it will happen.

Try something new: From online bookclubs to London Writers’ Hour mingles, I’m always on the lookout for a new challenge.

No progress made In June

Visit new places to walk: If this is going to happen, I need to be intentional about it.

Fill my art journal: I have definitely lost my creative mojo in this respect. However, I’ve reignited my interest in knitting and am also going to try embroidery, so I’m being creative in other ways.

Tidy the study and keep it that way: Again, this needs to be scheduled in.

Watch The Merchant of Venice: I haven’t got round to this yet. I feel more drawn to Samuel Beckett at the moment!

Attend a mindfulness workshop: Although I’ve done an online course, I would like to do one in person.

Some areas I’m excelling in, others are stuck, albeit hopefully just temporarily as there are a further six months of this year left!

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